Benefits of Dryer Vent & Duct Cleaning
As well as providing added fire safety for your property, dryer vent cleaning also offers many benefits such as faster drying times, less energy used and lower energy costs.

Fire Prevention
Clothes dryers account for over 90% of all appliance fires each year. A dryer fire is most commonly started due to excess lint, debris, or clogs in the dryer vent line, and a thorough dryer vent cleaning is the best way to prevent one in your home.
Stop Mold & Mildew
Mold and mildew thrives in warm, moist environments, like those present in a dryer with blocked vents. Dryer Vent cleaning frees your vents of obstructions, allowing moisture to be fully vented from your dryer and laundry area, hindering mold and mildew growth.
Save Time
When your dryer vent is clogged, it traps heat and moisture in your dryer and laundry area, making the drying cycle take longer than usual. With our dryer vent cleaning, we can shorten your drying time by restoring proper airflow throughout the vent line.
Save on Energy
An inefficient dryer vent system could be costing you an average of an extra $18-$24 per month due to extended and repeat cycles. By having your dryer vent system cleaned, you can save big on energy and utility costs!
Prevent CO2 Poisoning
Many dryers emit carbon monoxide. With a normally functioning dryer vent system, the carbon monoxide is vented outdoors. However, clogs can prevent the gas from escaping the building. A buildup of carbon monoxide is very dangerous and can result in illness and death.
A clogged dryer vent can be damaging to your dryer and clothing due to excessive wear during longer or repeated drying cycles or trapped heat and moisture. Restoring airflow with our dryer vent cleaning services can extend the life of your machine and your clothing!
Still Have Questions?
If you have questions about our dryer vent or duct cleaning services, or would like to book a free onsite estimate, CityWide Dryer Vent Cleaning can help! Give us a call today at 1-866-972-7772